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Old 04-27-2011, 04:14 AM   #119


Originally Posted by gaea View Post
so the cranky came and went i cried myself to sleep (ugh) i couldnt go anywhere it was late, i woke up in a sour mood...felt better at around 1pm after venting and venting and venting the what happened to get me to that state...continuing on with my quit because its for me, my health, my quit. *

I don't like being cranky at all.

I noticed several thing already
I have more energy
My clothes smell pretty now
So does my hair
I just feel better all the way around.
Im calmer, as in no more anxiety
I have more heartburn i also have stock in anatacid's at the moment this will pass and the antacids are a heck of a lot cheaper and last longer
I have a quit buddy or two or three
Well done for riding out 'the cranks' gaea. Does it make you feel more positive about giving up when you ride out some bad stuff and come out the other end not having given in?

* There in lies the secret gaea...when we quit for us; when it's entirely for ourselves and we take control of our own quitting then it becomes manageable and the bad stuff is sooooo much easier to ride out. I suddenly had more energy too - all that extra oxygen in your body creates energy and a certain calmness - I was manic for the first few months though, the calmness came some way down the line but I put that down to a mixture of quitting and hitting major messed-up man-o-pause symptoms at the same - some guys get all the luck huh?

Strappie, I never thought I'd give up either, it was always too hard but then I went and left it too late...would you rather it be a choice or a necessity?... Don't give up giving up. It really does get easier to manage the anxieties and other more negative aspects of giving up after a few months.

Thank-you DapperButch, your congrats are much appreciated
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