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Old 05-09-2011, 01:55 PM   #49


Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
Here the bf community isn't as good as there,it's a really small community. Alot of it has been aided through the net. Due to the distance between cities bf folk live things are very fractured.

I've tried to date mainstream lesbians but they shun me. I guess my look and any whiff of testosterone puts them off.
Where do you live mate? I think the bf community isn't as bad or as small as you're painting it here. I have loads of bf mates... ok so I don't see them all the time and keep in touch via the bf sites and facebook but they are there if you seek them out. I'm lucky I guess in that I live an hour or so away from one of the massive (Northern) cities (Manchester) where there's a bf and kink community to go play out with whenever I want.

Not sure why you're not finding bf folks, have you signed up to the UK bf sites - of which there are 3 to my knowledge.

apocalipstic - sometimes I feel my straight male mates understand where I'm coming from much better than my mainstream lezzer mates too.
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