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Old 11-04-2010, 04:39 PM   #822
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Ya know, I was merely commenting on the article(s) provided. You can decide that I am "conservative" if you choose to even while I have freely and openly admitted being bi-partisan and have stated repeatedly in threads that I TRY to look at all sides and read all information provided.

There are some of us out here who do not agree with one another and that's fine. I have however not chosen to name call and behave as demeaning as what I just saw above. I can appreciate your position and not bash you even when I might see it as very biased and not at all logical based on the information that was being discussed.

If AJ were perhaps working for the White House and presenting known numbers based on this trip, instead of saying..."Figure this.". or "let's say that", because to me, those are guesses. Even if loosely based upon an article she came across from some former presidential envoy, they are not current, not based on this trip, so to me they hold no water.

The article that was linked clearly states that the comment was made from inside officials within the government of India. I don't know Bachman from Eve, however, I can read an article without extrapolating words or innuendo that isn't in print. So, while you may feel justified in making snide snarky comments, I feel quite justified in pointing out that A) I was responding directly to a specific post B)I was responding based purely on the article presented, C) Snide comments hold no merit.

Sorry I didn't hit quote, but this post in in response to this:

MsDemeanor " Plus, it's not like the government is coughing up fresh cash to hire those folks. Most everyone involved is getting paid the same amount whether they are on the trip or sitting on their ass in some office playing solitaire on the computer.

Enough of this silliness, though. I'm sure that our local drive-by conservative got a big thrill by dropping yet another bit of baseless crap in a thread just to stir up the liberals. Let's get back to the important stuff. Like why the repugs haven't fixed everything yet. Come on slackers, where are all the new jobs?"

This is the type of post that does not create discussions or debate, it just promotes further division between folks who could be allies.
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