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AtLast 09-15-2010 05:30 PM

WHO is on your Mind ... Why?
Both my Dad and brother had September birthdays. So, guess that is why they both are on my mind so much lately. I really them both. Honorable people, they were.

Strappie 09-15-2010 05:34 PM

My Mom...

Because she is EVERYTHING to me.

Soft*Silver 09-15-2010 05:42 PM

My sister is. She is the most gracious woman I know. I was face booking with her a little earlier. I told her that I didnt get all the bushes I wanted next door because when they pulled down the roof (its a de-construction job) it collapsed on them and broke them beyond repair. She asked me what kinds and I told her. Well, she is going out tomorrow and getting me all those bushes! I was amazed! These are luxuries and what I still need at this time, is help with my necessities. But she knows how much I love my gardening and is contributing to this purposeful joy.

I am so excited about her gifts...not because of what type of bushes they are...but because my sister loves me and wants to do things to make me happy, not just get through this period of my life.

I wish everyone has a person in their life like my sister....

Abigail Crabby 09-15-2010 05:53 PM

My Mom

As I was driving thru the pines today on the way to work - I was overcome with missing her - she would have loved living back on the east coast again....

pajama 09-15-2010 05:59 PM

Not so much today, but the other day at breakfast at IHOP. An older couple came in rolling an older gentleman in a wheelchair. The way they pushed him to the table and positioned him, made me remember my Dad. We used to take him and Mom to IHOP for her bday. It hit me quick and hard and I had to leave the table 'cause I started tearing up.

Even after three years, his memory pops up and I miss him so much some days.

Delish 09-15-2010 06:28 PM

My ex and dear friend. She found out earlier today that she has breast cancer @ 36 yrs old. Her poor mother also has a sister that is fighting HARD against breast cancer and the battle isn't looking favorably for her :(

Blade 09-15-2010 06:38 PM

my pregnant niece who passed a kidney stone today bigger than the stone in her engagement ring, about the size of a kernel of corn

My precious SD and T and you know why

Nat 09-15-2010 06:38 PM

I'm doing better this week, but I had a hard time before, during and after September 5th, which was the birthday of my very troubled junior high / early high school boyfriend who died in a car accident this last May. Every September 5th since I was 15 years old, I've worried about him and wondered how he was and hoped he was doing okay. This year it was like a freight train - but for the first time ever it wasn't worry that I felt - just grief. I'm very glad that after a 7 year gap, we did get to talk again around march of this year. I'm just comforted to have gotten to get the update on his life, to give him the update on mine and just get some perspective on those kids we once were. I know his friends are mourning a Josh I never really knew, and I'm mourning the kid he once was and the kid he never got to be.

waxnrope 09-15-2010 06:55 PM

Spirit Dancer and her Syr. I wish that I lived closer and didn't have a bad back. I wish there was more that I could do besides call and nag her to take care. The material does have importantance.

Laerkin 09-15-2010 07:33 PM

My mom. I love her so much and I only get to see her once a year.

Christmas (time of my annual visit) is just around the corner, but I miss her. At least we get a week o' fun with her and we have tons of awesome stuff planned.

Spirit Dancer 09-15-2010 07:34 PM

First my Syr and hys strength, keeping hope while
we wait for tests.
My extended and chosen family, ya'll are so very special to me and I thank you all for your kindness.

Entycing and Damon
Bass player lefty ST
Dancing Wolf

My thoughts drift to you and the support you show during our tough times. I'm so honored that we're friends and family.
The BFP people and all their awesomeness.

Gemme 09-15-2010 08:12 PM

My honey. He's so good to me.

ruthie14 09-15-2010 08:15 PM

My stepsister who died yesterday at 48 and her children who must now go on without her.:candle:

AtLast 09-15-2010 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by ruthie14 (Post 191989)
My stepsister who died yesterday at 48 and her children who must now go on without her.:candle:

I'm sorry, Ruthie.

bright_arrow 09-16-2010 12:33 AM

My partner, who is currently asleep beside me.

I'm thinking about her because today we bought those shape-up's. You know, the ones that are supposed to help you tone while you walk? We have been talking about getting in shape for awhile, but now that I live here it is something we can work towards together now, being each others motivation. Grocery shopping involved picking up apples and baby carrots and v8 juice to help us incorporate more fruits and veggies into our diet and to give us healthier alternatives when we want to snack. To save money, we use a list to shop by to try and avoid impulse buys, and have limited eating out.

I guess what I'm saying is I am thinking of her because we've been through a lot this past year and a half, either our own lives or together, and I am thankful to have a supportive partner that I can rely on and trust and believe in. I am thankful to have someone who loves me for me but is also willing to work with me to help me become a better me.

I hope this makes sense because I feel like I am rambling now, but I think I got the point across :bunchflowers:

Diva 09-16-2010 12:44 AM

My Melody..........my Erin............

AtLast 09-16-2010 09:40 AM

Maidi! My closest friend. I just want to see her. As Fall/Winter approaches, I'm thinking about how she and I can get together around the holidays. Hoping she will get to CA. Seattle in winter is just too cold!

MaggieBluIze 09-16-2010 09:49 AM

... Miranda ... Miss her.
... Chef/Andy ... TN is so far away.

pajama 09-16-2010 10:09 AM

I haven't had a 'girl day' shopping in years because my Mom used to be my shopping buddy, and she hasn't been that mobile in a long time.

So today, I am missing Miss Dixie, 'cause she's at her mall, oh so far-far-away, doing some Christmas window shopping. I wish I could be there giggling, oooo-ing and ahhhh-ing, and eating naughty mall food with her. :D

theoddz 09-16-2010 10:14 AM

Mother's on my mind. :awww:

She's coming next week!!! :cheer::heartbeat:

Better warn the frogs. :| :frog::frog:

<Mother just loves loves LOVES watching them and she has this shrieky kinda laughter>:pointing:

~Theo~ :bouquet:

princessbelle 09-16-2010 10:40 AM

My brother who has cirrhosis and is slowly declining physically and now mentally. He's had many, many close times to death in the past few years with it, but seems to pull through. However, i've seen a major decline in the last few months....I know he don't have much longer. He has always been there for his little sis and geeze how could I ever thank him enough.

He is not well enough, imo, to keep riding that motorcycle or do work around my house to help me, but he keeps going and it makes him happy. I know that so I just try and support everything he does.

All I can do is be there hold his hand when needed and try to prepare myself and my mom for what is coming....way too soon.

I hate that I can't make it go away.
I hate that he didn't quit drinking 20 years ago when we all begged him to get help.
I hate that it is out of my control.
I hate watching him slowly die.

I hate it.

Breaks my heart.

I love you bro!!!!!

skeeter_01 09-16-2010 11:20 AM

i think of my grammy everyday...she was my heart and i miss her terribly! i wear her cross and chain around my neck and it never comes off...she loved me no matter what! she was unconditional love.......

CrankyOldGuy 09-18-2010 10:18 AM

her - cause we're spending this weekend apart...:bunchflowers:

mom - just because! (f)

bro - always wonder what he's up to!:hangloose:

nan & gramp - miss them big time (f)

Blade 09-18-2010 10:21 AM

CrankyOldGuy.....cuz he's a Jets fan:cheesy:

Glenn 09-18-2010 10:32 AM

That flirty Deli Clerk. She hugged me and said she loved me today.:confused:

Pixie 09-18-2010 12:08 PM

Spicy.....bc Im intrigued

Blade 09-18-2010 07:54 PM

My "Pa"...cuz I've been smelling his Winston ciggy smoke for 3 days. Ummmm he's been dead since 1982.

Kenna 09-18-2010 08:11 PM

My Momma...
Today I got a couple texts from her that threw me for a loop....

Mom: "Wish you were here, having Mousaka @ W.Shore diner"
Me: "TEASE!!"
Mom: "No I really do miss you xo"
Me..... I told her how sorry I am and a few other things that I hope made her feel better...

someone has to know the situation between the two of us...
in all my years, she has NEVER said that she missed me... it hurt because I know she really does mean it and I felt how lonely she must be. W.Shore Diner was our favorite place to go and we loved the Mousaka... Today, I pictured her there alone with lonely tears in her eyes as she sent me her texts....

Corkey 09-18-2010 09:07 PM

Because she was on her feet most of the day yesterday, and had to turn around and work today...its her Monday. She was so darn cute walkin' like a drunk sailor carrying some water for me.

Random 09-18-2010 09:17 PM

My son is on my mind..

I think about what he is experiencing now and what he has gone through the last almost year...

I know it the way of the world, but it makes me a bit sad not know what his day to day is like.. What he is laughing at, what he is crying over, what has pissed him off...

He is experiencing the world without me... As it should be, but somehow it just feels wrong...

cane 09-18-2010 11:12 PM

Thinking of my wife...always. She is working in another part of the country for the time being and I miss her like crazy, the feeling of her, out there, all on her own, can't stop worrying. Of course I know that she's able to take care of herself I just prefer to be by her side.

I will see her next week end though, longing...

Ebon 09-19-2010 01:02 AM

My mom is on my mind. Why? Because she's got herself stuck in a life cycle that she cannot free herself from. God be with her.

Pixie 09-19-2010 07:58 AM

Sissy.....cause I'm worried she's not coming back...

Ryobi 09-22-2010 01:03 PM

People everywhere that feel strongly enough about something to take on a roll of "educator" to those that don't know about or, don't feel as strongly about the same thing.

Why? Because, I don't understand some of them. What's with the "force feeding"? I'm not sure that ever works. (Example of what I mean by force feeding, If I beat you with a bible, will that make you a Christian?) And why get frustrated/angry at having to repeat yourself to the next person, and the next? Sometime saying things more than once is very necessary.
Seems to me, these two tactics of educating more often than not, teach people to adapt a tuned out fuck you attitude about it. (and the educator) No steps forward, two steps back is the result. There needs to be as much, or more, compassion and understanding from the educator as they are trying to teach some one else to have. And having an understanding that, they will never be done repeating themselves, for the simple reason, people will never be done learning.

MsTinkerbelly 09-22-2010 02:22 PM

My Mom.
A person I used to be close to who is going through a tough time.
My daughter who so badly wanted my Mom to live long enough to see her graduate high school....she misses her so much.
My love...who holds me together most days.

chefhottie25 09-22-2010 03:16 PM

my best friend...he is currently in the hospital battling depression. i am happy that he asked for help. i know he will be ok...he is too strong not to be.

IrishGrrl 09-22-2010 03:19 PM

Goddess..because I need Her right now.

IrishGrrl 09-22-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Pixie (Post 193870)
Sissy.....cause I'm worried she's not coming back...

Silly goose! I told you, if I end up not comming back one of these times, you are comming with me..it's a package deal remember?


pajama 09-22-2010 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by IrishGrrl (Post 196168)
Silly goose! I told you, if I end up not comming back one of these times, you are comming with me..it's a package deal remember?


Ooooh yes, bring her with you please.

Leader 09-24-2010 06:20 PM

My Brother Mark, whose birthday would have been today, had he not passed away several years ago... He was 6'6" tall and had a smile that would light anyone up.

Here's to you big brother, I hope the surf is up wherever you are ...


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