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Old 12-04-2011, 10:04 AM   #41
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I'm sorry to hear that, RR, and yeah, I hear you about relocating. Not really sure whether or not I'll be traveling to see folks this year. I hope you're able to find a way to see your daughter.

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May be away from my family for xmas too. I don't know yet. I guess that's the price I pay for moving away and trying to find my happiness and life. My daughter wants me to come see her but have to see if time and finances allows and when. I know I want to see her again soon and I will as soon as I can. If it's not for xmas we will have our own little xmas when it happens.
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." ~ Albert Camus
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Old 12-23-2016, 01:08 PM   #42
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BUMPING this thread for those of us who are without family, or nearby loved ones for the holidays. It always seems a little harder for me not having family when the holidays approach. I always muster through, but it's nice to have someone to hang out with for a bit when everyone else is spending time with family.

So, if you find yourself alone during the holidays, or just have some free time, drop by, say hello, sit for a spell. I will be around, as I'm sure others will be likewise.
“You’re so hard on yourself. Take a moment. Sit back. Marvel at your life: at the grief that softened you, at the heartache that widened you, at the suffering that strengthened you. Despite everything, you still grow. Be proud of this.”
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Old 12-23-2016, 01:34 PM   #43
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Default Alone

I am not completely alone but I do feel lonely. I will see my mom on Christmas Day but that is it. I saw the kids last weekend and dropped off gifts.

I did not decorate my home for the holidays because it seemed like too much work for just me and the baby kitty.

It all just seems a little sad to me.
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Old 12-23-2016, 02:03 PM   #44

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I wish I were alone for the holiday so that I could do exactly what I want which is nothing except have some sort of marvelous movie marathon and cook something lovely for myself and perhaps read or paint.

Instead I have to juggle people and responsibilities and appear "Holiday Appropriate" instead of the very anti "Christmas Spirit" way I actually feel.

Putting on a fake veneer of cheer is so much work but it is still better than acting how I feel and having to defend it.

Only 3 more days
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Old 12-23-2016, 04:10 PM   #45
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This year I feel like the holidays just came out of nowhere...
it does not feel like Christmas to me...
This time of the year is a bit of a conundrum for me. Having lost my partner over a year and a half ago and having a family that loves me in their own way.

I am grateful for my close friends who love me like family.
Yet, part of me feels alone.... I will be surrounded with loving people
who truly love and care for me....

Sending love and warm holiday wishes to each of you...
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Old 12-23-2016, 07:49 PM   #46

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Yeah, I'm alone. Bobbi is in Canada - we couldn't afford to travel this year because we just laid out money for immigration lawyer and fees to the feds.
My family of origin is on the East Coast and I just started a new job not even a year ago.
I made some life changes that have required me to change where I go and who I hang with and that is all good.
So, I splurged and bought prime rib. I cooked have of it tonight and am home alone with my little dog, my bestest friend, watching Sons of Anarchy. I made some cookies for a co-workers husband who dropped off some free wood at my place up north. I started getting back into my artwork and that helps too.
Well, that's about it. I don't feel self-pity, but some things hurt sometimes. People who I thought were friends have their own set of priorities. I am not one to invite myself or go somewhere that I feel unwanted.
I will drive back up north for work on Sunday morning, drop off cookies, and make another quick stop on the way. Monday, I am joining co-workers for ice skating - I made cookies for the kids. So, even though things are way different and weird, I am doing okay.
I am grateful to be employed, have a wife who adores me, a roof over my head, new friends,and enough money to eat yummy food. Sometimes the loneliness is overwhelming, but it passes eventually.
Happy holidays everyone! If you are alone, that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach will pass.
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Old 01-01-2017, 02:11 AM   #47
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Just know that if any of yall ever need an ear to talk, I am a message away. I can understand the lonely feeling and the anti Christmas sentiments as well.
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Old 01-01-2017, 03:03 AM   #48
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Cheers to New Years!
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Old 01-05-2017, 11:12 PM   #49
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To fight the alone feelings over the holidays I try to travel every year. I don't have family and in the past had partners who didn't either. Always an emotional time of year. I am grateful for the privilege to be able to travel. You can easily forget it is a holiday when on a holiday. I usually host a big holiday party for friends then get out of town. The past few years was Vegas, wish it were a bit warmer there. But easy to do solo. Cruising is great, just don't know how I'd fair Solo on a cruise. Caribbean is also a fave to escape early winters. Maybe a B-F holiday event is in order!
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Old 11-24-2024, 10:41 AM   #50
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Default Alone for the holidays …

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been alone during the holidays. But I’m definitely alone, this year. I’m looking forward to it, actually.

I’m going to do a deep purge of my studio apartment. I’m going to not do any special cooking, but I will roast a small turkey and split it all up and make meals for myself and freeze them so they don’t spoil.

I’m on a calorie deficit type diet, so this future meal preparation will work out nicely.

I learned that my gym will open up early during the holiday and close by 2pm, so I’m going to go hang out with others at the gym, during the holidays. I’m excited about that because my new daily exercise habits and dietary habits are visible on me, even since a month ago when I made some big changes to my daily routines.

I’m looking forward to my alone time and making time for me and taking the best care of me that I can do.

Maybe my level of fears about the political fallout in our country will subside a bit and give me time to problem solve my way around things that are terrifying and truly upsetting to me.

New adventures. That’s what I’m gearing up for: a new adventure.

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Old 12-02-2024, 03:26 AM   #51
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Been a while since I've felt like posting anything of substance. But this subject spoke to me.

I've had some major changes since October of last year.

One of my dearest friends, who I used to spend many holidays with, passed away from pancreatic cancer before Thanksgiving last year. It was horrendous to watch her go through that. I lost more than a friend, I lost a home where I felt so much love.

I've tried this year to make sure others that are in my personal circle do not feel alone, yet I've felt some of the deepest loneliness I've ever experienced.

I went through some relationship trauma this year that taught me how truly deeply I am confident and secure in being single and alone. I'm good with that.

I watched a couple close friends experience their grief at losing family members and how they faced certain holidays in a year without their family members. How profound it changed how they felt and quietly grieved.

One of those friends is my 92 year old neighbor that I've cared for, for several years, even though she's fiercely independent. She's alone now that her husband of 33 years is gone. And she's had a major falling out with her daughter who lives in another state. So she has no one except a few local friends that occasionally check on her.

I try to make sure she never spends a major holiday alone. Even though Thanksgiving and Christmas are extremely difficult for me, as I actually find comfort in being alone then because of some deep family trauma regarding my kids and abusive mother. But "Mrs M" is very lonely as this is her first time ever being alone.

On November 20th, I had major surgery to fuse my spine. It's been excruciatingly painful and I seriously just wanted to "stay in my nest" while my best friend and roommate went to be with his family. But at the last minute, I decided to call "Mrs M" and ask her if she didn't mind "watching over me" for a few hours Thanksgiving day? She was absolutely delighted and said "I'd love to be your nurse. You know how much I love you."
So my friend delivered me to her that morning, as I could hardly move without searing pain, much less drive. Mrs M met me at the door with hugs and treats. She was so thrilled to help me settle into the couch and tuck her blankets around me. Then she sat nearby as she told me about all the baking she did the day before. Around noon, she made us a delicious, simple meal of chicken salad and her homemade pumpkin pie and it made her day to serve me and make me comfortable. I got to see her laugh and smile, which has been difficult with her depression. As I sat there nearly in tears from pain, her happiness and companionship meant so
much to me.

You see, for many years, on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I deeply crave to be alone. But this year meant something so spiritually different for me. Especially in my grief, I saw other people's loneliness and need. And it reminded me that I need to sometimes put my comfort zone and craving to be alone aside.
She has been through hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles.
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Old 12-02-2024, 03:38 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Kätzchen View Post
It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been alone during the holidays. But I’m definitely alone, this year. I’m looking forward to it, actually.

I’m going to do a deep purge of my studio apartment. I’m going to not do any special cooking, but I will roast a small turkey and split it all up and make meals for myself and freeze them so they don’t spoil.

I’m on a calorie deficit type diet, so this future meal preparation will work out nicely.

I learned that my gym will open up early during the holiday and close by 2pm, so I’m going to go hang out with others at the gym, during the holidays. I’m excited about that because my new daily exercise habits and dietary habits are visible on me, even since a month ago when I made some big changes to my daily routines.

I’m looking forward to my alone time and making time for me and taking the best care of me that I can do.

Maybe my level of fears about the political fallout in our country will subside a bit and give me time to problem solve my way around things that are terrifying and truly upsetting to me.

New adventures. That’s what I’m gearing up for: a new adventure.
I wish we lived closer.
She has been through hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles.
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